Product Questions
- How does Wondercide work? How does it kill some bugs and not others?
- Can the Spot On, Collar, and Flea & Tick Pets + Home spray all be used at the same time?
- Can I spray Wondercide on my houseplants?
- Which scent is the most effective?
- What is the shelf life of your products?
- Will Wondercide sprays leave an oily residue or stain?
- Does Flea & Tick Spot On still work if my pet goes swimming after it’s been applied? Can I give them a bath without affecting performance of the product?
- My dog is very small (less than 10 lbs). Is the small dog size in Flea & Tick Spot On really safe for them?
- My dog is very large (100lbs +). Is the large dog size of Flea & Tick Spot On really enough for them?
- Will Flea & Tick Spot On leave an oily residue on furniture or fabrics if my pet comes into contact with them?
- If Flea & Tick Spot On is effective at repelling, why do I have to use other Wondercide products?
- Does the Flea & Tick Spot On stay oily on my pet’s skin?
- How long does Flea & Tick Spot On last?
- How old does my pet have to be to use the Flea & Tick Spot On?
- Does the Flea & Tick collar have a safety latch or mechanism?
- Does the Flea & Tick collar offer full body protection, or just around the neck?
- Can I remove the Flea & Tick collar when my pets go swimming or get a bath?
- Can my pet go swimming with the Flea & Tick collar on? Can I bathe them with it on?
- Does the Flea & Tick collar actually kill pests?
- How long does the Flea & Tick collar last?
- How old does my pet have to be to use the Flea & Tick collar?
- How do I use the Flea & Tick collar?
- How often can I use the Flea & Tick liquid shampoo on my dog or cat?
- Do I have to use the other Flea & Tick products if I use the liquid shampoo?
- Is the liquid shampoo ok to use on pets with sensitive skin?
- Can I spray the Mosquito & Fly spray on my houseplants to repel flies?
- Is this Mosquito & Fly spray safe to use around my pets and family?
- Can I use the Mosquito & Fly spray on myself or my pets as a repellent?
- Why use the Fruit Fly Trap vs. one of the other fly control products?
- Why can’t I spray Ant & Roach for Home + Kitchen into the air?