Product Questions
- How does Wondercide work? How does it kill some bugs and not others?
- Can the Spot On, Collar, and Flea & Tick Pets + Home spray all be used at the same time?
- Can I spray Wondercide on my houseplants?
- Which scent is the most effective?
- What is the shelf life of your products?
- Will Wondercide sprays leave an oily residue or stain?
- Where can I find the ingredients list?
- What is the difference between Flea & Tick Yard + Garden and Outdoor Pest Control?
- What is the difference between the Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Rosemary scent options?
- What is the difference between Flea & Tick Spray for Pets + Home and Indoor Pest Control for Home + Kitchen?
- What's the difference between Indoor Pest Control and Ant & Roach for Home + Kitchen?
- Where do I find the Flea & Tick Pets + Home ingredients?